International cooperation

B20 is one of the G20 key social partners representing interests of global business community. RSPP participates in the B20 process since its creation in 2010. In 2013 the RSPP coordinated the B20 process within the Russian G20 presidency. The representatives of RSPP member companies participate in the B20 Task Forces to ensure continuity and promote Russian businesses` interests in the B20 recommendations for the G20 leaders. RSPP President Dr. Alexander Shokhin is a member of the B20 High Level Advocacy Caucus.
One of the Russian Federation domestic policy priorities is creation of business and investment friendly climate. Implementation of the OECD best practices and instruments with due consideration of the Russian business` interests can facilitate the Russian economy`s investment attractiveness. The RSPP has an observer status in the Business and Industry Advisory Committee to the OECD (BIAC). Participating in the BIAC the RSPP promotes the Russian business community interests in the Organization and contributes to implementation of best international practices in Russia.
World Trade Organization
In 2018 Russia marks 6 years since its accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO). RSPP acts as a platform for debating positions and forging business consensus on a wide range of the international trade agenda issues, including the WTO reform. The RSPP members provide their views for trade policy reviews of other WTO member countries and negotiations of plurilateral agreements. RSPP closely cooperates with the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) on strengthening the multilateral trading system based on the WTO norms and principles.
APEC Business Advisory Council (ABAC)
ABAC was established by the APEC Leaders in November 1995 to provide cooperation between the forum and APEC business community. The ABAC`s main aim is the elaboration of proposals for strengthening cooperation and recommendations on APEC decisions implementation affecting the business. The RSPP is presented in the ABAC by its Board members. RSPP is an organization authorized to issue recommendations for persons who plan to apply for the APEC Business Travel Card (ABTC).
The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) was established on 8 August 1967 in Bangkok, Thailand, with the signing of the ASEAN Declaration (Bangkok Declaration). ASEAN comprises of Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Viet Nam. One of priorities of the Russian Federation foreign policy is to develop mutually beneficial partnership with the ASEAN member countries as well as to attract investment from the region to the Russian economy. RSPP cooperates with business associations and ASEAN business bodies.
BRICS is an informal forum of five emerging economies (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa). The business communities of BRICS member countries, including RSPP member companies, contribute to consultations on BRICS documents related to trade and economic cooperation and their subsequent implementation. The Strategy for BRICS Economic Partnership was adopted under the Russian presidency in BRICS in 2015. The Strategy implementation through concrete projects and its update reflecting arising challenges and opportunities in the BRICS member and partner countries is one of the business community priorities.
The SCO Business Council
The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) objectives include promoting economic cooperation between member countries and establishing a comprehensive dialogue between the SCO business communities. The SCO Business Council was established in 2006 to facilitate the dialogue. RSPP collaborates with the SCO business communities on issues of mutual interest.