Съезд РСПП 25 апреля 2024 года

More than 4 billion people still lack any social protection, ILO report finds

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The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed and exacerbated the social protection gap between countries with high- and low-income levels. 

Currently, only 47 per cent of the global population are effectively covered by at least one social protection benefit, while 4.1 billion people (53 per cent) obtain no income security at all from their national social protection system. Europe and Central Asia have the highest rates of coverage, with 84 per cent of people being covered by at least one benefit. The Americas are also above the global average, with 64.3 per cent. Asia and the Pacific (44 per cent), the Arab States (40 per cent) and Africa (17.4 per cent) have marked coverage gaps.

Specific measures to promote universal social protection were highlighted in the Global Call to Action for a human-centred recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic . The Call to Action, which outlines a comprehensive agenda for recovery, was endorsed unanimously in June 2021 by the ILO’s Member States, representing governments, workers’ and employers’ organizations.

Additional information about the report can be found here: https://www.ilo.org/global/about-the-ilo/newsroom/news/WCMS_817653/lang--en/index.htm
